Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I have a dream

"I have a dream."  Martin Luther King Jr, said it best when he saw a world where everyone was created equal.  He saw man, woman, and child of all races and creeds walking down the street holding hands and enjoying one another company without prejudice.  The question is did he fail, or did he not dream big enough?   There has been a lot of debates about gay marriage in the media.  Should the politicians allow it? The question I ask is, should it even be up to the politicians?  Is it really even any of their business? I have one thing to say to those people who have a problem with gay marriage,  Don't marry a gay person.  It's as simple as that.  They say that we will destoy the sanctity of marriage.  I think they are just afraid that will will do a better job than they do.  We are fighting for our right to marry so hard that of course we are going to do our damndest to stay married. I don't even think it's entirely the politicians fault.  If the right wing Conservatives don't want it then it must be bad.  Since when did separation of church and state involve debates about how gay marriage is against God's law.  That doesn't sound like separation it sounds to me like degradation.  If we are going to continue to listen to people like Fred Phelps then where is this country going.  The constitution says We the people, not We the straight people.  I don't recall reading a clause in there that says we have inalienable right but only if your a guy who likes fish.  (Sorry ladies I'm gay that's what I call it.)  Okay well I'll get off my soapbox now and hope that finally Gay's will stop being treated like the plague and be aloud to walk down that isle no matter what gender they are walking to.  Well bye for now.

May your flame burn bright,

Gay Guru

1 comment:

  1. We the people. Black or White or Yellow or Brown or Gay or Straight or Bi or Trans or Republican or Democrat or Independent or Healthy or Disabled or Mentally Challenged or Smart or Dumb or Tall or Short or Right or Wrong. The Constitution is meant for us to be equal, and the gays are being trampled in an effort to pacify the right wing conservatists. No one knew exactly what that phrase would mean to so many people until it needed to mean what it was supposed to. To equality among ALL! I mean, why shouldn't the gays get to be as miserable as the rest of us married people? ;)
